Almost New Year's Resolutions


Today is my "little" brother's twentieth birthday (Happy Birthday Ethan)! We are exactly four and a half years apart, which means in six months I will be twenty-five. I can't believe he's twenty, let alone that I will be five years from thirty. So, today is one of those times I reflect over my life thus far and think about what I want my life to look like at twenty-five.


This is my own version of a New Year's resolutions list, a month and a half early.  I like to give myself extra time to get it done, because life happens and never goes to plan.  


1. Make a Career Oriented Move: It's fairly obvious that fashion is my, for lack of better word, passion. My goal is to be a key fashion stylist one day. However, at the moment I live in an area right outside Richmond, Virginia, that's not exactly a fashion capital or anywhere close to being one. This resolution was going to be a reality in 2018, because I was supposed to move to London to attend the London College of Fashion, but due to life, mainly a lack of 36,000 dollars, that will not be happening.  I have to restart and make new plans to achieve my career goals. The first one being, moving to a place where my industry is prominent.    


2. Grow My Self-Confidence: I've spent the majority of this year doubting myself and my ability to succeed at what I love doing. I want to get to a point where I feel like I have come into my own, and not in a perpetual state of hoping things work out.  I would love just a little bit of solidity. 



3. Learn How to Date: To be completely honest, dating is hard. I recently went on a date for the first time in years, and it wasn't very pleasant, okay it was bad. I feel awful for saying that, but it was and he knows that too. It's a long story.  

Helpful hint to those trying to impress someone, don't attack his or her faith/beliefs. 

The date was helpful because it made me put myself out there. It was the first date since I shared my story of being sexually abused and started healing from it, and even though he wasn't the most charming person, I didn't leave bitter, which is significant for me. 

All that being said, I still have a very little idea of what I'm doing and how to flirt. I'm literally the worst, just ask James Arthur. If anyone knows how to navigate the whole dating thing, more specifically, finding a man who loves Jesus and people well, help a sister out.

This is not an extensive list and I should probably add something about eating healthier and joining a gym to it, but for right now these are what I am going to work towards. I’m sure by January I will have an official set of resolutions that may or may not get done to share with you.  So keep an eye out and subscribe to get e-mails when I post!

Kaylyn Vial